
Monday, November 9, 2009

Coders at Work: Brendan Eich

Chapter 4 of Coders at Work presents the interview with Brendan Eich.

Eich is the creator of JavaScript, as well as being the first implementer of the language. He continues to lead the JavaScript language design efforts, but in addition he is still active in implementation, including notably the recent ultra-high-performance JavaScript implementations in modern Mozilla products.

Eich's description of the invention of JavaScript is well-known, but it's still good to hear it again, from his perspective:

The immediate concern at Netscape was it must look like Java. People have done Algol-like syntaxes for Lisp but I didn't have time to take a Scheme core so I ended up doing it all directly and that meant I could make the same mistakes that others make.


But I didn't stick to Scheme and it was because of the rushing. I had too little time to actually think through some of the consequences of things I was doing. I was economizing on the number of objects that I was going to have to implement in the browser. So I made the global object be the window object, which is a source of unknown new name bindings and makes it impossible to make static judgments about free variables. So that was regrettable. Doug Crockford and other object-capabilities devotees are upset about the unwanted source of authority you get through the global object. That's a different way of saying the same thing. JavaScript has memory-safe references so we're close to where we want to be but there are these big blunders, these loopholes.

In addition to reading Eich's account of the technical details of the development of JavaScript, he provides a very interesting account of the various social pressures which were complicating the work on the language:

It was definitely a collaborative effort and in some ways a compromise because we were working with Adobe, who had done a derivative language called ActionScript. Their version 3 was the one that was influencing the fourth-edition proposals. And that was based on Waldemar Horwat's work on the original JavaScript 2/ECMAScript fourth-edition proposals in the late 90's, which got mothballed in 2003 when Netscape mostly got laid off and the Mozilla foundation was set up.
At the time there was a real risk politically that Microsoft was just not going to cooperate. They came back into ECMA after being asleep and coasting. The new guy, who was from Hyderabad, was very enthusiastic and said, "Yes, we will put the CLR into IE8 and will be our new implementation of web JavaScript." But I think his enthusiasm went upstairs and then he got told, "No, that's not what we're doing." So it led to the great revolt and splitting the committee.
I think there's been kind of a Stockholm syndrome with JavaScript: "Oh, it only does what it does because Microsoft stopped letting it improve, so why should we want better syntax; it's actually a virtue to go lambda-code everything". But that Stockholm syndrome aside, and Microsoft stagnating the Web aside, language design can do well to take a kernel idea or two and push them hard.

Eich's interview rushes like a whirlwind. He clearly is such an intense and active thinker, and has so much that he wants to talk about, that there just isn't enough time or space in a few small pages to contain it all.

Luckily, there are a number of places on the web where you can find recorded lectures and writings that he has done so you can learn more, and in more detail. For example, here is a recent talk he gave at Yahoo.

As I was reading through the chapter, I found myself pausing about every other page to go chase a reference to various bits of knowledge I hadn't been aware of:

  • Hindley-Milner type inferences

  • The Currey-Howard correspondence

  • Valgrind, Helgrind, Chronomancer, and Replay

It must be exhausting to share an office with Eich :)

And, as a person who loves to use a debugger while studying code, I was pleased to read that Eich shares my fondness for stepping through code in the debugger:

When I did JavaScript's regular expressions I was looking at Perl 4. I did step through it in the debugger, as well as read the code. And that gave me ideas; the implementation I did was similar. In this case the recursive backtracking nature of them was a little novel, so that I had to wrap my head around. It did help to just debug simple regular expressions, just to trace the execution. I know other programmers talk about this: you should step through code, you should understand what the dynamic state of the program looks like in various quick bird's-eye views or sanity checks, and I agree with that.

Seibel: Do you do that with your own code, even when you're not tracking down a bug?

Eich: Absolutely -- just sanity checks. I have plenty of assertions, so if those botch then I'll be in the debugger for sure. But sometimes you write code and you've got some clever bookkeeping scheme or other. And you test it and it seems to work until you step through it in the debugger. Particularly if there's a bit of cleverness that only kicks in when the stars and the moon align. Then you want to use a conditional break point or even a watch point, a data break point, and then you can actually catch it in the act and check that, yes, the planets are all aligned the way they should be and maybe test that you weren't living in optimistic pony land. You can actually look in the debugger, whereas in the source you're still in pony land. So that seems important; I still do it.

"Optimistic pony land" -- what a great expression! It captures perfectly that fantasy world that all programmers are living in when they first start writing some code, before they work slowly and thoroughly through the myriad of pesky details that are inherent in specifying actions to the detail that computers require.

Well, more thoughts will have to wait for later; I'm heading back to pony land :)

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