
Saturday, November 14, 2009

Coders at Work: Joshua Bloch

Chapter 5 of Coders at Work is the interview with Joshua Bloch.

I'm very familiar with Bloch's work in the Java community, and I've read his online writings as well as several of his books, so the material in his interview was pretty familiar to me.

Several things about Bloch's comments struck me:

  • Bloch talks frequently about programming-as-writing, an important topic for me:

    Another is Elements of Style, which isn't even a programming book. You should read it for two reasons: The first is that a large part of every software engineer's job is writing prose. If you can't write precise, coherent, readable specs, nobody is going to be able to use your stuff. So anything that improves your prose style is good. The second reason is that most of the ideas in that book are also applicable to programs.
    Oh, one more book: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th Edition. Never go anywhere without it. It's not something you actually read, but as I said, when you're writing programs you need to be able to name your identifiers well. And your prose has to be good.
    The older I get, the more I realize that it isn't just about making it work; it's about producing an artifact that is readable, maintainable, and efficient.

    The Elements of Style, and a dictionary: what inspired choices! I wish that more programmers would read these books! One of the reasons I work at my blog is to keep up with the practice of writing; like any skill, it requires constant practice

  • I also very much liked Bloch's description of test-first API development, although he doesn't really call it "test-first"; instead he talks about needing to write use cases:

    Coming up with a good set of use cases is the most important thing you can do at this stage. Once you have that, you have a benchmark against which you can measure any possible solution. It's OK if you spend a lot of time getting it reasonably close to right, because if you get it wrong, you're already dead. The rest of the process will be an exercise in futility.
    The whole idea is to stay agile at this stage, to flesh out the API just enough that you can take the use cases and code them up with this nascent API to see if it's up to the task.
    In fact, write the code that uses the API before you even flesh out the spec, because otherwise you may be wasting your time writing detailed specs for something that's fundamentally broken.
    In a sense, what I'm talking about is test-first programming and refactoring applied to APIs. How do you test an API? You write use cases to it before you've implemented it. Although I can't run them, I am doing test-first programming: I'm testing the quality of the API, when I code up the use cases to see whether the API is up to the task.

    Having such a well-known and influential person as Bloch coming out so strongly in favor of test development is a wonderful thing, and I think he makes the case very persuasively.

Bloch is so closely identified with Java, and so deeply involved in its development, that it's hard to imagine him ever doing anything else. Seibel is interested in this question, too:

Seibel: Do you expect that you will change your primary language again in your career or do you think you'll be doing Java until you retire?

Bloch: I don't know. I sort of turned on a dime from C to Java. I programmed in C pretty much exclusively from the time I left grad school until 1996, and then Java exclusively until now. I could certainly see some circumstance under which I would change to another programming language. But I don't know what that language would be.

My own experience mirrors Bloch's almost exactly: I programmed in C from 1987-1994, then briefly studied C++ from 1994-1997, then have been programming in Java almost exclusively for the last dozen years.

I continue to study other languages and environments, but Java is so rich, and so powerful, and I feel so effective and capable in Java, that I haven't yet found that next great language that offers enough of an advantage to take me out of Java.

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