
Monday, November 8, 2010

NYT article on Microsoft's anti-piracy team

This weekend's New York Times brought a long, detailed, and fascinating article entitled: Chasing Pirates: Inside Microsoft's War Room.

The article begins by describing a raid on a software piracy operation in Mexico, and what was discovered:

The police ... found rooms crammed with about 50 machines used to copy CDs and make counterfeit versions of software ...

The raid added to a body of evidence confirming La Familia's expansion into counterfeit software as a low-risk, high-profit complement to drugs, bribery and kidnapping.

The article describes Microsoft's extensive world-wide anti-piracy efforts:

Microsoft has demonstrated a rare ability to elicit the cooperation of law enforcement officials to go after software counterfeiters and to secure convictions -- not only in India and Mexico, but also in China, Brazil, Colombia, Belize and Russia. Counteries like Malaysia, Chile and Peru have set up intellectual-property protection squads that rely on Microsoft's training and expertise to deal with software cases.

At times the article reads like a spy thriller, talking about "undercover operatives" who are training in "hand-to-hand combat", but mostly the article spends its time in the back office, describing the underlying techniques of intelligence-gathering operations and anti-piracy coding and manufacturing techniques:

Through an artificial intelligence system, Microsoft scans the Web for suspicious, popular links and then sends takedown requests to Web service providers, providing evidence of questionable activity.

"We're removing 800,000 links a month", say the Microsoft anti-piracy team. That's a lot of links! Unfortunately, the article doesn't really describe how this process works -- surely it's not feasible to individually examine 800,000 links each month in a manual fashion, but if not, then how do you know that the links are indeed illegal and deserving of such immediate action?

Later in the article, the author is perhaps being fanciful and florid, or else is describing a lot of technology that I wasn't aware yet existed:

Mr Finn talks at length about Microsoft's need to refine the industry's equivalent of fingerprinting, DNA testing and ballistics through CD and download forensics that can prove a software fake came from a particular factory or person.

Is this just metaphor? Or do "CD and download forensics" exist, providing such a capability? I could imagine that various network logging occurs along the major network paths, such as at ISP access points, at sub-net border crossings, etc. And I could imagine that various digital signature techniques, often referred to by names such as "Digital Watermarking", could identify each binary bundle uniquely. Still, it's a long way from technology like this to proof that "a software fake came from a particular factory or person."

Later in the article, a few more details are provided:

A prized object in the factory is the stamper, the master copy of a software product that takes great precision to produce. From a single stamper, Arvato can make tens of thousands of copies on large, rapid-fir presses.

Crucially for Mr. Keating, each press leaves distinct identifying markers on the disks. He spends much of his time running CDs through a glowing, briefcase-size machine -- and needs about six minutes to scan a disk and find patterns. Then he compares those markings against a database he has built of CD pressing machines worldwide.

This sounds much less like a software technique, such as Digital Watermarking, and much more like a hardware technique involving the analysis of physical properties of the CD or DVD. Indeed, the article's earlier description of "ballistics" and "forensics" seems like a valid metaphor, similar to how we hear that firearms experts can match a bullet fragment to the gun from which it was fired.

It sounds like an arms race between the software publishers and the pirates:

To make life harder for the counterfeiters, Microsoft plants messages in the security thread that goes into authenticity stickers, plays tricks with lettering on its boxes and embosses a holographic film into a layer of lacquer on the CDs.

As I said, the article is long, detailed, and contains many interesting ideas to follow up on. Besides the discussions of technology and its uses, the article talks about public policy issues, varying intellectual property attitudes, training and outreach, public relations impacts, and more.

I found the article worth the time; if you know of more resources in this area to learn from, drop me a note and let me know!

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