
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Solomon's Oak: a very short review

Over the spring, I read a very enjoyable book by Jo-Ann Mapson named Solomon's Oak.

My mother says she loves reading books that are set in places she knows, or has lived in, or is currently visiting.

Solomon's Oak, for me, is such a book: it is set in or near the tiny town of Jolon, California, in the hills of the California Coast Range, near where the Mission San Antonio de Padua is located.

I've been there; it's a very nice place, and it's exactly as Mapson describes it.

Now, Solomon's Oak is not actually about Jolon, but rather about some people, each with their own unique and individual story, who are drawn together because of a unique oak tree.

It's one of those books that sounds like nothing when it's described, but is thoroughly enjoyable to read. The people are intriguing, the situations they encounter are compelling, and the book is ever so well-written. It flows along, and you just find yourself turning page after page, wanting to know how it's all going to come out.

Oh, by the way, there are dogs, and horses, and a pirate-themed wedding, and lots of other things in the book.

And, at just $2.99 for your Kindle, it's a great bargain.

Looking for some summer Kindle reading? Try Solomon's Oak, you'll (probably) really like it.

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