
Thursday, January 8, 2015

The wheels of regional planning roll along ...

Next door to my office, a redevelopment project has been underway for years.

I wrote about this a little more than a year ago: Up comes the Respect.

Since then, things have (on the surface) been quiet.

But it turns out, behind the scenes, things move along!

This month, an organization called the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission has been reviewing the proposed Alameda Boatworks development project.


Well, the project is on the waterfront, and the SFBDC cares about the waterfront:

When BCDC was established, only four miles of the Bay shoreline were open to public access. By drawing attention to the Bay, the Commission has played a major role in making the Bay and its shoreline a national recreational treasure. The Golden Gate National Recreational Area and numerous local, regional, and state parks and recreation areas have been established around the Bay since the Commission was established. The Commission has also approved thousands of new boat berths and has required that public access be provided along 65 miles of the shoreline as part of new waterfront projects. Now over 200 miles of the Bay shoreline are open to the public.

So, what did they review?

Well, they reviewed the Alameda Boatworks project plan, and they reviewed the explanatory exhibits.

The project plan is interesting, in particular the section where they talk about the challenges of planning a brand-new waterfront project in the face of climate change and expected sea level rises.

But the exhibits are particularly enjoyable to read, beautiful artwork, design drawings, artist's projections of what the site will look like.

If you could see it now: bare dirt, chain link fences, rocks and dust.

I think I will much prefer the waterfront trails, benches and playgrounds, parks and trees.

Hopefully it won't be too many more years.

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