
Monday, August 24, 2015

It's not just a game, ...

... it's the culmination of a 20-year effort to build a world-class software industry in Poland. Eurogamer chronicles the history for us:

  • Witcher dev making two "AAA+" games for 2014/15
    The Witcher 2 developer CD Projekt is making two blockbuster "AAA+" games for 2014/2015, the company has confirmed to Eurogamer.
  • Seeing Red: The story of CD Projekt
    But those days can wait, because next year Marcin Iwiński will be 40 years old, and it will be 20 years since his CD Projekt adventure began. He dared in those car parks all those years ago, and he has achieved so much. He did not do it alone, he is at pains to point out - at every twist and turn he had help, be it from Michal Kiciński or his brother Adam Kiciński, or Piotr Nielubowicz or Adam Badowski. Without them and many more he wouldn't be here today, sitting before me, wearing a blue hoodie and jeans and a relaxed stubbly smile, surrounded by a company not only continuing to set an example for Poland, but now the wider world as well.
  • The Witcher 3: The Skyrim debate, the game on PS4, nuggets of clarification and a whiff of multiplayer
    He pays attention to what The Witcher fans are saying, and the number-one concern he's seen about The Witcher 3 is that fans think the traditionally tight stories of the series will be sacrificed to fit an open world.

    Not so. "We don't want to make any compromises in storytelling," he told me. "We simply needed to come up with a larger-scale story. That's it. The world is bigger so we need to fill it with good stories.

  • Into the wild: inside The Witcher 3 launch
    As if the Polish Prime Minister wasn't enough, day two had begun with the CD Projekt board having presidential breakfast with Bronislaw Komorowski - remarkable, given that I don't believe Adam Badowski has slept just yet. He disappears for a lie down later when a procession of models and cosplayers from last night's festivities work their way through the office to the accompaniment of drums, delivering invitations to everyone for next week's party. Some 250 people, plus partners, will get together and celebrate their collective achievement. "This will be a time for emotions," Iwiński says.
  • The Witcher 3 was going to include ice-skating - but it was cut
    "At some point we had the idea of ice-skating," he said.

    "It was more than an idea - it was actually a prototype. You were going to ice-skate and fight..."

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