
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Derby 10.12 is out!

Derby releases tend to come about once every 18 months nowadays.

Right on the schedule that was proposed last spring, the Derby 10.12 release is now available from the Derby web site.

Many thanks to Rick for doing the heavy lifting to make the actual release occur, and thanks to the entire Derby community for their contributions and encouragement!

I had some minor changes included in this latest release, which marked my return to a more active role in the Derby community after having been somewhat on the sidelines during 2012 and 2013 as I was busy with many other things.

Derby is a remarkably powerful and sophisticated piece of software, probably among the most complex and intricate pieces of open source software out there. Derby is not as complex as the Linux kernel, surely, but if you want to learn about how a database system works, or how you can write amazingly powerful software entirely in Java, studying Derby is the way to go.

Hopefully the Derby community can continue producing releases like this for some time. Corporate support for open source software is a fickle thing, and a piece of software as complex as Derby needs a certain amount of resources behind it.

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