
Monday, March 25, 2019

Responses to the Letters to the Editor in the local paper

To the person who wrote the letter entitled: ‘Wellness center’ may end Crab Cove concerts, stating that free public concerts cannot be held near parks that "have a homeless shelter or offer homeless services next to or very close by", I would like to know:

Is this some sort of a legal requirement? Or are you just suggesting that most performers don't want to be seen anywhere close to a social services center?

For a spot of counter-evidence, such as it is, I offer: The Definitive Guide to San Francisco's Free Outdoor Concerts.

I'm not sure what the position of being "Alameda's Arts Advocate" is, but since you refer to "our Concerts at the Cove summer music concert series", I assume you are the person who schedules and invites local musicians to perform in these events, or it is your organization that does so?

If so, I'm sorry you feel that you'll have to move your concerts elsewhere, and I encourage you to reconsider, regardless of what happens in the surrounding areas of the city.

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