
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Let's try to be glass half-full people, shall we?

The good news, according to the extremely detailed CA Open Data dashboard, is that major progress continues to be made:

  1. The state is testing more than 45,000 people per day. That's more than one in every thousand people, statewide.
  2. Hospitalization rates are at least steady, but in fact appear to be declining significantly.
  3. New cases, statewide, are routinely less than 2% increase per day

Sadly, the data are not all lovely. There are still a frightening number of new cases each day, there are still dozens of people dying each day, all across the state.

A particular detail is that there are certain counties that are really struggling to control their case load.

If you click through the top eight or so counties at the top of the list, you can see a few counties which are doing very, very well. Santa Clara county really stands out, and San Francisco county is also making dramatic strides.

But Riverside county, San Bernardino county, Alameda county, and San Diego county are all really, really struggling.

And of course Los Angeles county, far and away the largest county in California, with its 10+ million residents.

There's still a lot of work to be done, I'm afraid.

But go take a look at Santa Clara County! No, do better than that. Go look up Dr. Sara Cody.

Fifty years from now, people will be teaching their grandchildren about this amazing woman, and how she saved hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people, not just in her home town, but across the Bay Area, across California, and across the entire Western United States.

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