
Tuesday, January 26, 2021

More vaccine confusion

The California Vaccines Dashboard doesn't make it super easy to see the progress of vaccination as, say, a graph showing the numbers day-by-day would.

But just by eyeballing the numbers each day, it seems to me that California is currently administering 120,000+ doses per day, which is double the 60,000 daily doses that the state was administering just a week ago.

Clearly the state can't double its dose delivery every week.

But if we could just double the dose delivery one or two more times, so that we were up to, say, 400,000 doses per day, we'd be able to vaccinate the state by June.

Meanwhile, a question: as of today, the state has had 3,153,186 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and has administered 2,587,736 vaccination doses. When will doses administered exceed confirmed cases? Will it be in January?

My prediction is that it will occur on Feb 2, and that on that day we'll see 3,250,000 confirmed cases, and 3,300,000 doses administered.

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