
Friday, March 5, 2021

Vaccine Confusion

According to the Bloomberg vaccine tracker, the entire world is currently averaging about 7 million doses administered per day.

Approximately 2.2 million doses per day are being administered in the United States.

I don't understand how this can work, if the entire rest of the world isn't even managing 5 million doses administered per day.

Oh, dear.

1 comment:

  1. I don't see the confusion. Bloomberg's data represents just 114 countries; countries provide "less frequent updates" on their progress; Brazil still hasn't published national data; countries have experienced unequal access to vaccines and varying degrees of efficiency in getting shots into people's arms. So the U.S. has been pouring $ into getting vaccines in the pipeline. Day before yesterday we had 2.9 m doses administered, but we're still only 6th on the country ranking shown by Bloomberg. Given the reluctance of our people to mask, the only sensible approach is to maximize the production of vaccine. OBTW, there are 66 vaccines in the pipeline according to Pfizer and Moderna surely hope to sell a lot of vaccine around the world.
